New Kids on the Block


As of January 4th, StepUp has restarted the children’s Program at Christ Church, and with a couple of weeks under our belt we are off to a great start. We have a really great group of kids who seem to be enjoying the program so far. We are looking forward to watching them develop and learn over the course of the next year with us!

One of the activities that the elementary group has done so far is a lesson on responsibility, after a short conversation on what responsibility is and who they knew that displayed this characteristic, the children got to create a monster and explain what needed to be done to care for the monster. They all came up with different task that would help their monster survive

We asked one family their opinion on the program so far and the mother said they are having a great time and getting a lot from it already! She also mentioned that her kids beg her to bring them every week. It’s feedback like this that makes it all worth while!

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