Children's Program Celebrates Black History Month


The Children’s Program has been spending the month talking about and doing activities surrounding Black History. Middle Ground got to learn facts about African American people who have made important contributions to our society while playing a trivia game. They also made collages to represent what Black History means to them using different fabrics papers and stickers. Simon Payne said, “ Black History month makes me proud to be black.”

Our little ones in Baby Steps didn’t miss out on the action! They spent one evening reading about Rosa Parks and her contributions to society. Following the lesson, they did a craft with seashells to give an easy to understand example of diversity. The children had a chance to pick out shells to glue to their canvas, they were told to focus on the differences of the shells while appreciating the unique beauty of each one. All the children took their artwork home and now can teach their families what they learned about African American History and diversity.