Step 2 Stories

This photo series followed the progress of the Step2/Life Skills September 2020 graduating class as they made the life-changing journey through the program. Beth L. tells their stories of weekly transformation through her powerful lens. 


Phase One

This year I (Beth) sought a way to combine my interest in photography with my love of StepUp Ministry’s mission and approached the staff about a photography project involving Life Skills. From those first conversations, 48 Steps was born, one picture for each of the 48 weeks to document the journey and share the participants' challenges and triumphs.

For the past 12 weeks, I’ve shared meals and attended classes with the participants. I’ve seen the participants arrive every Tuesday night, program fee in hand, ready to learn. I’ve watched as the participants share their stories and express their willingness to try new things to change their lives. I’ve witnessed their skepticism of the process turn to trust.

And while the participants have been opening up to embracing new skills, my eyes have opened, too. The quote, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle,” has never spoken to me more. Weekly, I watch in awe as participants attend class until 8 p.m., knowing they have to be at work before the sun comes up the next morning. I’ve watched others, even those with small children, take the bus to and from class on cold, rainy nights. The participants are persistent in their pursuit of change.

And I for one cannot wait to see what 2020 and the next 36 weeks will bring for this class.