Mr. George, Real World Rockstar


The work we do at StepUp is difficult and can be stressful.  In the midst of that difficulty, we have dedicated volunteers, like Mr. George Ramsay, who are a stream of support for both staff and participants. He was involved in the creation of the Real World and has assisted hundreds young adults through his years of service in the Real World. 

He has inspired young adults to follow their dreams, to think about their finances and to make choices that are based on the details and not their current life situations.  He has aided staff in teaching and developing curriculum, and has served as a positive role model for all! 

Mr. George, as you leave your position as a copartner in the Real World, we want to thank you for all the hours of service and dedication you have provided to StepUp Ministry.  Your consistency and calming presence will be missed on a weekly basis.  This will be brand new territory for the Real World, but we are sure with the lessons you have taught, we will be successful.  Thank you for all your hard work!

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