Posts in Volunteers
June Volunteer Spotlight
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Jessica Hughey is the Director of the Children’s Ministry at Vintage Church North and has made an incredible impact on the StepUp Children’s program! Jessica became involved with StepUp when she saw that many members of her church were interested in volunteering, but needed help seeking opportunities. With the help of her team, her church developed an app that matches church members to service opportunities throughout Raleigh. This is when Jessica became involved with StepUp and spearheaded many service projects and supply collections.  

“It started with a pajama and sock drive, and I then I kept coming back. Even outside of the church, StepUp comes to mind because I love the ministry there and I know there is always a need. StepUp is very well-rounded!” 

We are so grateful for Jessica and Vintage Church for everything they have done for StepUp! 

May Volunteer Spotlight

Meet  Leanne Barnard, one of our volunteer instructors for the Life Skills program!  Leanne’s favorite part of volunteering with StepUp is, “Witnessing the ‘aha moment’ that participants have when everything just starts to click. It is exciting to see people internalize these important concepts. I also enjoy teaching the lesson on forgiveness. Learning to forgive ourselves and those around us is tough but very important for moving forward.” 

Leanne says the past year has tested her, but she is incredibly grateful and motivated by her relationship with God. “I am so thankful for the things that God has done to make me more generous, and how He has helped me to be more giving,” she explains. Leanne has made a lasting impact on our participants and we are grateful to have her guidance as a facilitator. Thank you, Leanne! 

Thank You Volunteers

During National Volunteer Appreciation Week April 18-24, we celebrated volunteers for helping support our mission. Each department at StepUp also recognized a volunteer (not a board member) for outstanding support in the past year. Thanks to the following for their exceptional contributions to StepUp: Danny Cook, Adults Program; Cynthia Cooper, Alumni Program; Vintage Church, Children’s Program; and Caroline Lewis and Amanda Lima of Windrose Management, Development 

Click the link below to watch our volunteer recognition video. Visit our website to learn how you can get involved as a volunteer!

January Volunteer Spotlights

We couldn't do what we do without our dedicated volunteers and we want everyone to know how grateful we are for their support. Meet our volunteer spotlights for this month: Hope Homesley and Whitley Glosson.

Meet Hope Homesley, one of our wonderful Junior League volunteers! Originally from right outside of Charlotte, Hope came to Raleigh by way of NC State and has loved it ever since. She is passionate about women and family-centered nonprofits and has worked with many causes, including Interact. Last March, Hope decided to co-lead the Junior League team that is serving with StepUp and so far one of her favorite StepUp memories is witnessing the Life Skills graduation ceremony.

“The graduation ceremony was so impactful for me. Hearing individuals talk about their life and how they have bettered themselves and grown was wonderful.”

In the past year, she learned to slow down and focus on fewer things that are most important to her. We are so grateful that StepUp is one of them!


Meet Whitley Glosson! Originally from Lexington, North Carolina, Whitley has been a part of StepUp for over three years. 

“StepUp is an incredible program and I have been able to meet so many amazing children.”

Whitley says she has had many incredible experiences with StepUp, but one that really sticks was working with a first grade student.

“There was a little girl that would drop whatever she was doing and run and jump into my arms and say, hey buddy! Every time she would see me, she would smile and call me buddy and seeing her made me feel like I was making a difference.” 

This past year, Whitley says she has learned to focus on what really matters and we are so grateful for her love of and dedication to StepUp and our Children’s Program. 

“Things don’t matter, what really matters is your family, your friends and your health.”

StepUp Volunteers Pave the Way

Did you know that 121 volunteers supported 80 StepUp children last year?

Our Children’s Program volunteers help us ensure our children have a 1 to 1 ratio for homework support and individualized tutoring when needed. Our wonderful volunteers serve meals to our kids, instruct our Tuesday night classes, and provide amazing activities to ensure our kids spend every moment learning and having fun! 

We absolutely could not do what we do for our families without their kindness, generosity, and support. Thank you from the entire StepUp family!

Interested in volunteering? Check out our volunteer page to see how you can get involved!

StepUp Ministry Welcomes Back Junior League of Raleigh

On September 17, we welcomed a new class of kids eager to take in all StepUp has to offer. In addition, a new group of Junior League of Raleigh volunteers began their year of working with StepUp children. These dedicated ladies help our Children’s Program to run smoothly. They serve from September through May and help with everything from teaching curriculum and tutoring to serving food and cleaning up! They are an integral part of our volunteer group. With their support, we can give each child the individual attention needed throughout the night. The relationships formed between the ladies and our precious children are special, and the kids look forward to seeing their favorite volunteers week after week.

YoPro Committee Helps Send StepUp Children Back to School with New Gear

This month we had the pleasure of sending the StepUp Children back to school with new backpacks and school supplies! Vintage Church North held a backpack drive earlier this month, and thanks to our YoPro Committee leader Jeff Minor, and Vintage Church North member Jessica Hughey, StepUp was a benefactor of their efforts. The YoPro Committee continues to help us partner with fantastic organizations in our community. Over the past year, YoPro has been instrumental in StepUp's mission by fundraising for We StepUp, Share The Pie and the StepUp luncheon. They dedicate their time to the Life Skills Program as Co-Partners and the Alumni Program as Nursery Helpers on Thursday nights. YoPro also helped collect items for swag bags given out at StepUp's 30th Anniversary celebration, coordinate the Snack Bag Event, and provide support for the Easter Egg Hunt. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming involved with YoPro, please contact Jeff Minor, the YoPro Committee leader.

Join Our Community of Volunteers at StepUp Ministry

StepUp's community of volunteers helps move our mission forward every day. Whether the role is with the Adults Program or Children’s Program or assisting with fundraising or events, the value of each volunteer is immeasurable. Everyone that dedicates their time to StepUp helps create a strong foundation on which our participants can learn, transform, and succeed. We are always looking for new volunteers, specifically Co-Partners and Nursery Helpers (Alumni Program on Thursday nights). StepUp would also like to bring in an Administrative Assistant to help our office staff. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, you can contact Cynthia Walker, StepUp Ministry's Volunteer Coordinator. You can also learn more about each volunteer role and sign up online.

VolunteersStepUp Ministry
Serving with StepUp: Providing Friendship to Support Change

Andrew Rose has served on StepUp’s board for the past two years, but his StepUp journey began in 2009 when he was invited to take a tour of the Life Skills program.


StepUp serves approximately 160 adults in its Life Skills program every year. Each participant is paired with a mentor called a co-partner. For 36 weeks, the co-partner and participant spend Tuesday evenings together, sharing dinner, friendship, learning financial skills, and setting goals. Andrew was interested immediately. 

“I saw volunteers from all walks of life helping individuals create a new future and walking along with them,” he remembers. “As a financial planner by trade, helping plan ahead and serve, I knew StepUp was the right place for me (to volunteer).”  

Ten years ago, Andrew met the first participant he would mentor. As a young professional, Andrew says he initially had concerns about his effectiveness to lead and be a valued mentor. “But the resources to guide her came from StepUp through the staff and the fellow co-partners,” he recalls. ”Being true, being a friend, and being committed to serving every Tuesday helped build the trust and partnership we both needed to succeed.” 


Andrew’s ninth participant, Hope, graduated from Life Skills in June. He stays in touch with all nine of the Life Skills participants he has supported and continues to celebrate their successes.


He fondly remembers Dale, who came to StepUp many years ago. StepUp provided many of the resources Dale utilized to rebuild his life. Dale was able to find work and repair the relationships with his family. Today, Dale owns a successful commercial cleaning company and employs a handful of citizens in our community.

“Dale illustrates the resiliency of humans, the proof of commitment, and the gift of Grace,” Andrew explains. “Dale helped provide guidance for me as well.” 

We are currently seeking volunteers to serve as co-partners for the Life Skills class beginning in September. The role requires a couple of hours on Tuesday evenings, a willingness to learn, and an open heart. 

Interested in learning more? Contact Cynthia Walker with questions or to schedule your tour of the Life Skills program.

Scattered to Serve

StepUp wants to say “Thank You” to Hayes Barton United Methodist Church for including us in their Scatter to Serve project on Saturday, May 4th. They sent a team of volunteers to come do Spring Cleaning in our office building. They worked hard and made it sparkle and feel good for employees and participants when they walked in on Monday.  

Are you interested in volunteering? Contact Cynthia Walker to learn more.

StepUp Ministry Volunteers of the Year

StepUp could not get all the work that needs to be done without our many dedicated volunteers.  We recognized a few outstanding leaders of at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Fiesta at Cantina 18 on April 29.  

Our Volunteer of the Year Awards went to:

Overall Volunteer of the Year: Campbell Law School – Blanchard Legal Clinic and Restorative Justice Clinic

Employment Team: Charlie Warner

Adult Life Skills: Cynthia Whitney-Hopkins

Alumni: JoAnn Rey

Children’s Program: Liza Shelton

Development: Betsy Davis and Kathleen Hofstadter

Cynthia Whitney-Hopkins receives her award from Maxine Terry and Linda Nunnallee at the Volunteer Appreciation Party at Cantina 18 on April 29, 2019.

Cynthia Whitney-Hopkins receives her award from Maxine Terry and Linda Nunnallee at the Volunteer Appreciation Party at Cantina 18 on April 29, 2019.

We are grateful to all the many volunteers who support our work each year. Want to become one of those incredible volunteers? Contact Cynthia Walker today!

Check out the full gallery of photos from the event here!

Are you looking for a way to give back?

Have you ever needed someone to help you up? Have you ever needed an encouraging word? Serving as a co-partner provides a chance to invest deeply in someone's life, but many co-partners will tell you they are the ones receiving the reward.

StepUp Ministry is looking for Co-Partners for our Life Skills Program, where participants learn skills like budgeting and goal setting. Our goal is stability in all aspects of life over the long term. 

Not sure if you’re ready to commit? Come see Life Skills in action on a Tuesday night. 

Please contact Cynthia if you are interested: or (919) 781-0156 ext. 111

Are You Ready to Make an Impact?

Are you interested in volunteering in a meaningful way, to make an impact on someone’s journey towards stability? If so, StepUp has just the opportunity for you! 

StepUp Ministry is looking for Co-Partners for our Life Skills Program, where participants learn skills like budgeting and goal setting. Our goal is stability in all aspects of life over the long term. 

Not sure if you’re ready to commit? Come see Life Skills in action on a Tuesday night. 

Please contact Cynthia if you are interested: or (919) 781-0156 ext. 111


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GG's Closet Has a New Home

The cliché “It Takes a Village” was recently more than a trendy phrase for StepUp Ministry. It was truly lived out when our Men’s Clothing Closet, GG's Closet, needed a new home. Many thanks to the volunteer work of First National Bank, Relias, Inc., members of Westminster Presbyterian, and GG’s Closet Founders, Carolyn Johnson, and Ann Hanley.  The move involved clearing out old furniture, cleaning, painting, packing, and moving many racks of clothing, shoes, furniture, etc.  Also, StepUp would like to thank Westminster Presbyterian for providing the space, Sherman Williams on Peace Street for donating supplies, and Linda Craft Realty for usage of their moving truck. Again, many thanks to everyone coming together to help!

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Partnering Together to Change Lives: First National Bank and StepUp Ministry
First National Bank employees pictured above help paint StepUp Ministry’s new GG’s Closet space on January 24, 2019. This clothing closet allows job seekers to get interview clothing.

First National Bank employees pictured above help paint StepUp Ministry’s new GG’s Closet space on January 24, 2019. This clothing closet allows job seekers to get interview clothing.

At StepUp Ministry, we enjoy working with a broad group of corporate, government and individual partners who help support and enable us to provide guidance and new opportunities for those looking to change and improve their life. Taking the initiative to transform one’s life is no small task and usually filled with many obstacles and challenges. Ensuring we have the right people and resources in place greatly helps our participants, giving them the courage and determination to move forward and succeed. 

First National Bank employees pictured above help bring in donated presents to StepUp’s Christmas party held on December 20, 2018, at our Alumni Program.

First National Bank employees pictured above help bring in donated presents to StepUp’s Christmas party held on December 20, 2018, at our Alumni Program.

We have a lot more work ahead of us, but it is important that we celebrate all we have accomplished and thank members of the Raleigh community who have generously supported our mission. StepUp’s 30th Anniversary Gala event on January 26, 2019, will be a special time for everyone to come together, exchange stories and learn about the courage it takes to reach your goals and build a better life. The presenting sponsor for the gala, First National Bank (FNB), shares our mission of providing new, life altering opportunities for adults, children and teenagers living in Wake County.

FNB has maintained a commitment to improving the quality of life in the communities it serves since 1864. Built on a culture of giving back, employees remain active in their local communities through volunteerism, board service and fundraisers. FNB also gives back through financial support, partnering with local organizations throughout their footprint to address the needs of the community and make an impact where it matters most. 

First National Bank employees pictured above help move into StepUp Ministry’s new GG’s Closet space on January 24, 2019. This clothing closet allows job seekers to get interview clothing.

First National Bank employees pictured above help move into StepUp Ministry’s new GG’s Closet space on January 24, 2019. This clothing closet allows job seekers to get interview clothing.

Working with partners such as FNB helps raise greater awareness and visibility around many of the difficult issues people face. It also provides us with another resource channel to aid our participants in their journey to greater stability and career success. FNB offers a wide range of community development programs designed to strengthen local communities, including Home Ownership and Home Rehabilitation Programs, financial education workshops, Educational Improvement Tax Credits and more. Partnering with others to change lives is critical to our success and we appreciate what organizations like First National Bank have done to help us make a difference and continue making a difference. 

More information about StepUp Ministry’s 30th Anniversary including ticket details can be found at  




Growth and Volunteering in the Nursery

StepUp Ministry’s youngest participants have had a lot of excitement in the past few months!  Without our volunteers, we would not be able to create a special environment for them to learn and grow. The children love seeing familiar faces each week, and two of those familiar faces are Jacob Swanger and Diann Kearney. Read their stories below…

Jacob Swanger: 

“I can honestly say volunteering in the nursery at StepUp is one of the most rewarding things I do with my time. I was aimlessly looking at different volunteer opportunities for a while before I found my perfect match at StepUp. The staff, participants, and their kids are all amazing. Being a part of peoples’ lives while they go through such profound change and growth is incredible. 

You should join the nursery volunteers if (1) you have a passion for positively impacting people’s lives, or (2) you like fostering a fun, nurturing, educational, and lighthearted environment for little ones. An added bonus is you will never leave that place without a smile. I could be having the hardest day at work but it goes away with the kids’ laughter and fun. 

I have been volunteering for about a year now, and my favorite memory is playing hide and go seek in the nursery. All the kids hid in the same place including one little girl that didn’t usually play with the others. When I turned the corner and surprised them they all went crazy with laughter… made my week!”


Diann Kearney: 

“After retiring from a 30-year career in public education, I was looking for ways to continue to support our community, and StepUp Ministry has allowed me to do so as a volunteer in the nursery. I have been inspired by the StepUp participants and their level of enthusiasm for the program. It has been a joy to spend Tuesday evenings with their children while they seek to gain life skills and ultimately, stable careers. Through focused programming and the use of highly skilled staff and eager volunteers, StepUp Ministry is making a real difference in the lives of these participants and our community.”

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A Heart to Serve

The month of September has been filled with unexpected blessings.  StepUp Volunteer and Local registered nurse, Erica Saunders coordinated a toiletry drive to support StepUp families for her birthday.  Erica shared “ …this year I wanted to do something different, so instead of receiving gifts I asked for toiletries and donations so that I could gift others.”

Local business owner, Reggie Winston visited our Life Skills program and donated 10 gift certificates for individuals to receive complimentary services at the Bar Ber Shop located at 4551 New Bern Avenue. Reggie stated that “he loves the program and wanted to be a blessing to StepUp.”  We love our volunteers and donors!  We could not do the job that we do without community support!  Thank you, Erica and Reggie for stepping up in service.


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Nursery Volunteers Needed

Volunteer to care for and inspire children from newborn to age four. Activities may include:

  • Playing on the playground

  • Games to learn colors, shapes, and numbers, and

  • Other age-appropriate ways to provide structured time for the children.

The minimum age for this role is 16-years-old if you are volunteering with a parent, or 18-years-old without a parent. 

Volunteers are needed Tuesday nights from 5:45 to 8:30 at White Memorial Presbyterian Church. 

If you are interested, please contact Cynthia Walker, Volunteer Recruiter, at 919-781-0156 ext. 111 or

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VolunteersStepUp Ministry
Just Do It

Bill Wenner has been volunteering for 20 years. A year ago, his company, Wells Fargo, moved Bill to Raleigh to oversee their auto division.  

In the single year that Bill has lived in Raleigh, he has spent 120 hours volunteering at 10 non-profit organizations in the Triangle. 

StepUp has long received generous support from Wells Fargo. This year, Bill sat on the Wells Fargo committee that reviewed StepUp’s grant application. 

Bill was intrigued with StepUp’s work and reached out to see how he could get involved. Today, Bill is a co-partner in StepUp’s Life Skills program. In this role, Bill works one on one with a mentee and helps him budget, set goals, and plan for the future. Additionally, Bill will be supporting the We Step Up campaign beginning in September 2018.

In his leadership role, he also encourages his 500 employees to get out and volunteer! His team alone has volunteered over 1,000 hours since opening in Raleigh in April 2017.

When asked why he volunteers, Bill sees it as a mental reset, “You can’t have a bad day when you help and think about someone else.” 


Interested in joining Bill as a StepUp volunteer? We need you! Email to learn more.


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Want to help transform a life?

Are you interested in volunteering in a meaningful way, making an impact on someone’s journey?  If so, we have just the opportunity for you!  


We are in need of 15 co-partners, who will walk alongside our Life Skills participants as an extra arm of support in their StepUp journey. The goal is stability in all aspects of life over the long term. 

Each adult is partnered with a staff case manager and a volunteer from the community, who we call a “co-partner.”  Co-partnering is a nine-month commitment every Tuesday (at White Memorial Presbyterian Church) or Wednesday (Christ Episcopal Church) night from 6-8:15pm. Commitment involves meeting once each week to work with an individual as they go through the Life Skills program. 

Our next group of co-partners will start in June so if you are interested, we will get you signed up for a one-on-one training session with our staff so that you feel fully prepared for your new role.

Contact us at or (919) 781-0156 if you are interested in signing up, touring our Life Skills program, or just want more information!


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